Thursday, June 13, 2013

Here Goes Nothing

Ok so now that we got the sappy emotional introduction out of the way, let's get to the main reason for this blog. If you have a quick second, please google "surrogate" or "gestational surrogate" and watch in horror as the results come up. The first few images were of aliens and surrogate bodies for extraterrestrial life forms. Determined to find some reading material to assist me on this journey, I searched Barnes & Nobles to also come up with books about surrogate life forms and other science fiction novels. While I am and always have been a fan of E.T., I am feeling as though that little alien has nothing more to offer me than some leftover Reese's pieces.
With that being said, I wanted and needed a support system, a group to listen to me and to hear how I am feeling through all this. While I under go one of the biggest and most exciting journeys of my life, I promise to share every detail in complete honesty with hopes that other women out there who may be experiencing this can know that someone out there understands. I call this blog ;What to Expect When You're NOT Expecting, because my story is just that. There are numerous books and websites about the wonderful world of pregnancy and childbirth, but how about some information for those of us who are doing things a little different? So let's grab some tissues and share some tears of laughter and sadness together as you accompany me on my quest to build a baby :)

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